Install WordPress in Amazon Web Services using Marketplace


As promised in earlier post I want to show you how to install WordPress by using different methods.

In this post I will show you how to easily deploy WordPress in Amazon Web Services using AMI Image.

What is Amazon Machine Image (AMI)?

Amazon Machine Image is virtual server with some pre-defined settings. It might be certain operating system or set of installed applications.

Read more here: AWS AMI Documentation

Let’s install our first WordPress

  1. Login to AWS Console.
  2. Navigate to EC2 and click it.
  3. Click Launch Instance button. file
  4. In the Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) section click AWS Markeptlace. file
  5. In the AWS Marketplace type WordPress. file
  6. As you see on the screenshot there is more then 100 WordPress AMI’s to choose from. Pick one according to your needs. As this is just a test deployment I suggest to choose the simpliest one.
  7. I will select WordPress Base Version. In AWS console you see prices for the hourly usage. fileClick continue.
  8. As we want to avoid any necessary costs I will choose t2.micro instance with 1vCPU and 1 GiB of RAM. file
  9. Let’s continue with further instance configuration.
  10. I will proceed with networking defaults. file
  11. In the storage section I will proceed with AMI default which is 10 GiB. file
  12. I skipped Tag assignment and I will create new Security Group with port 80 and 443 to access our WordPress. file
  13. Last step is to click Review and Launch. file
  14. When you click Launch our WordPress will be deployed.
  15. You might be asked to choose SSH Key Pair or create new one. Proceed according to your needs. As this is test deployment I will simply skip this step. file
  16. Click View Instances to see if our EC2 instance is ready to be used.
  17. Once the EC2 instance is in running state and Status Checks are passed we can access our EC2 Public IP. file
  18. WordPress can be used. file


Deployment of WordPress in Amazon Web Services is fairly simple. There are some prerequisites like VPC setup, Security Group configuration and optional NACL.

WordPress deployment series