Sep. 10, 2021

Configure Highly Available VPN with BGP from Azure to GCP


As I am working more and more with multi-cloud customers after creating so called “Landing Zone” the usual next step is to connect on-premises networks and/or another public cloud provider.

In this post I will guide you through creation of Highly Available VPN connection with BGP to dynamically exchange the routes between two cloud providers. I will do it with Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform.

Feb. 6, 2020

Google Cloud Platform - Unable to push Docker Image

GCP Container Logo Welcome to the first post in 2020!

I hope you had a good start and you are ready for some new content on the blog.

In this blog post I will show you what to do in case you can’t push Docker image to Google Cloud Platform Container Registry.

Feb. 4, 2019

Deploy WordPress in Google Cloud Platform using Marketplace


In the previous post https://www.funwithcloud.com/install-wordpress-in-amazon-web-services-using-marketplace/ I covered the installation of WordPress using AWS.

In this post I will cover WordPress deployment using Google Cloud Platform from Marketplace.